REVIEW – Scarygirl (XBLA)

Boo or Boo-urns? With a Tim Burton Nightmare Before Christmas aesthetic and 2.5D sidescrolling gameplay, Scarygirl is unique but ultimately comes up short on overall presentation and gameplay. Every other girl that has a tentacle for an arm and a hook for a hand would probably go through life scarred and unhappy.  But Scarygirl welcomes […]

REVIEW – Doom (XBLA – Bethesda Published)

Bringing Hell Back Doom, the grandfather of First Person Shooters, has been ported to just about every major system since it initially launched on PC back in the early 90’s.  Shortly after Microsoft launched the Arcade service on Xbox 360, the original Doom was published by Activision.  Modernly known for releasing other popular warfare FPS’s, […]

BLOG – Cheapest Game Evar!

I am no stranger on finding cheap games. Sales, reward clubs, daily deals, clearance bins, coupons, specials… I make it my point to constantly scout for cheap games. Some might call this being cheap. But like Locke, I prefer the term “treasure hunter.” Now I have found cheap games before (see previous blog entries). However, […]

REVIEW – Choplifter HD (XBLA)

Get To Dah Choppa! With origins from the early arcade days and even the Apple II, Choplifter HD is nostalgic but will certainly test the perseverance of those gamers who crave a challenge. Choplifter is very familiar to classic Defender: 2D perspective, rescuing and dropping off civilians to the safe zone, navigating each stage from […]

REVIEW – Sonic Generations (3DS)

Console Experience on a Handheld The 3DS version of Sonic Generations is very similar to the console release.  Switching between classic 2D potbelly Sonic and modern homing attack Sonic, Generations mixes old with the new into a flavor that seems familiar but yet fresh. Make no mistake, this is still an official Sonic game through […]

REVIEW – Bejeweled 3 (DS)

Busting Your Smaller Gems A few months ago, I reviewed the XBLA version of Bejeweled 3 and the vast majority of gameplay remains unchanged in this DS version. Everyone should know about Bejeweled’s match-3 game mechanic so there is no need to discuss further.  However, like the XBLA version, new modes have been added for […]

REVIEW – P.O.W. (PS Mini)

What Rambo Should Have Been SNK has been releasing old school arcade games to the PSN, the latest being P.O.W. – Prisoner of War.  But is the $2.99 price tag worth the trip down memory lane? Personally, my experience with P.O.W. has solely been with the NES version but was surprised as to how similarly […]

REVIEW – Prehistoric Isle (PS Mini)

A Shooter It is now 2012.  And you know what bothers me in this modern gaming age?  The term SHOOTER.  Games that involve shooting opponents with a gun in either first person or third person should not be defined be simply defined as a shooter. Prehistoric Isle is a shooter.  Ikaruga and R-Type are shooters.  […]

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