I have not bought anything at BestBuy (BB) in a really long time. Like, it has been years. There is a reason for that. They suck. Their prices are way high and when you do want to buy something, they are out of stock. I hate Best Buy. For the first time in about a […]
REVIEW – Guardian Heroes (XBLA)Saturn Class Returns Treasure developed games are always something special. Thanks to their superior technical prowess, the developers are able to milk every last ounce of processing power out of any given hardware which can create memorable gameplay moments. Anyone who has experienced the bullet hell of Ikaruga or Radiant Silvergun can understand the […]
REVIEW – Renegade Ops (XBLA)The Sleeper Hit of the Season Made by the same people that put together the destructible Just Cause series, Renegade Ops is an adrenalin twin stick shooter that is a definite sleeper hit. Released near the same time as Gears of War 3, there is a good chance that 360 players missed this entertaining […]
REVIEW – Frogger 3D (3DS)A Hop, Skip, and a Jump Perhaps not quite as popular as arcade greats like Pac-Man or Donkey Kong, Frogger has definitely secured its place in gaming history. Build for a more modern audience, this 3DS sequel of course borrows the main gameplay elements from its classic arcade ancestor but introduces new twists at an […]
REVIEW – Orcs Must Die (XBLA)Orcs Must Die’s biggest issue is its release date. Released approximately two weeks after Gears of War 3, Orcs Must Die is essentially a more colorful single player Horde mode with its fast paced gameplay and cartoony traps. The question is, should anyone play this when five-player Horde 2.0 mode is now available? Although the […]
NEWS – MetaKnight Banned From Smash Bros. BrawlThe masses have spoken. Professional gaming tourneys have banned the use of MetaKnight due to unfair advantages. Although not fully broken, a decent player can dominate the edge of any stage with his speed and power. I guess there was too much cherry picking going on. I find this interesting as a game of this […]
BLOG – WARNING, 360 License Transfer Feature Sucks Hairy Ox Testicle Dipped in Hot SauceLike most 360 users, I have downloaded a lot of stuff from XBL. And when I say lots of stuff, I mean 100’s and 100’s of downloads. Also like most 360 users, I burnt through more than one 360 console thanks to the lovely 3 Red Lights fiasco. 3 in fact. Needless to say, my […]
NEWS – MGS HD LEKonami will be taking more of my money as a Limited Edition version was announced for the MGS HD Collection. While not as cool as the bonus discs/content of the PS2 games, that Art Book sure sounds nice. Konami announced a ‘Limited Edition’ METAL GEAR SOLID HD COLLECTION will be available for the PlayStation3 […]
REVIEW – Rotastic (XBLA)There is a good chance that you never heard of Rostatic and missed its launched on the XBLA thanks to all the Gears of War 3 chain-sawing going on. But this simple action/puzzler will test your reflexes, patience, and your thumb’s reaction time. Rotastic is one of the most simple, if not THE most simple, […]
BLOG – Snowboard Kids TypoI think it is a well-documented fact that I am a huge fan of Snowboard Kids, an N64 sleeper hit. In many ways, it rivals Mario Kart 64, but this is an argument for another time. A couple months ago, I had incentive to dig out my N64, find my controller paks and extra controllers […]