The Sleeper Hit of the Season Made by the same people that put together the destructible Just Cause series, Renegade Ops is an adrenalin twin stick shooter that is a definite sleeper hit. Released near the same time as Gears of War 3, there is a good chance that 360 players missed this entertaining […]
REVIEW – Frogger 3D (3DS)A Hop, Skip, and a Jump Perhaps not quite as popular as arcade greats like Pac-Man or Donkey Kong, Frogger has definitely secured its place in gaming history. Build for a more modern audience, this 3DS sequel of course borrows the main gameplay elements from its classic arcade ancestor but introduces new twists at an […]
REVIEW – Orcs Must Die (XBLA)Orcs Must Die’s biggest issue is its release date. Released approximately two weeks after Gears of War 3, Orcs Must Die is essentially a more colorful single player Horde mode with its fast paced gameplay and cartoony traps. The question is, should anyone play this when five-player Horde 2.0 mode is now available? Although the […]
NEWS – MetaKnight Banned From Smash Bros. BrawlThe masses have spoken. Professional gaming tourneys have banned the use of MetaKnight due to unfair advantages. Although not fully broken, a decent player can dominate the edge of any stage with his speed and power. I guess there was too much cherry picking going on. I find this interesting as a game of this […]
BLOG – WARNING, 360 License Transfer Feature Sucks Hairy Ox Testicle Dipped in Hot SauceLike most 360 users, I have downloaded a lot of stuff from XBL. And when I say lots of stuff, I mean 100’s and 100’s of downloads. Also like most 360 users, I burnt through more than one 360 console thanks to the lovely 3 Red Lights fiasco. 3 in fact. Needless to say, my […]
NEWS – MGS HD LEKonami will be taking more of my money as a Limited Edition version was announced for the MGS HD Collection. While not as cool as the bonus discs/content of the PS2 games, that Art Book sure sounds nice. Konami announced a ‘Limited Edition’ METAL GEAR SOLID HD COLLECTION will be available for the PlayStation3 […]
REVIEW – Rotastic (XBLA)There is a good chance that you never heard of Rostatic and missed its launched on the XBLA thanks to all the Gears of War 3 chain-sawing going on. But this simple action/puzzler will test your reflexes, patience, and your thumb’s reaction time. Rotastic is one of the most simple, if not THE most simple, […]
BLOG – Snowboard Kids TypoI think it is a well-documented fact that I am a huge fan of Snowboard Kids, an N64 sleeper hit. In many ways, it rivals Mario Kart 64, but this is an argument for another time. A couple months ago, I had incentive to dig out my N64, find my controller paks and extra controllers […]
GBA Roll Cage: Worst Game Accessory Ever?(My article below from early 2000s lost all the original pictures due to switching servers. Sorry!) Whenever a new handheld or console launches, there is always a flood of 3rd party peripherals and accessories that release with it. This category of gaming extras didn’t really start to peak until the GBA era and started to […]
BLOG – Top 10 Wish List for GameBoy Color Games for 3DS Virtual ConsoleI originally wrote and posted this article on Sept. 23, 2011. Almost 2 years later, many of my predictions have come true! Original post below: MyGamer recently posted our Top 10 Original GB list. But we want to show our love for Nintendo’s second generation handheld; here is our wish list of the Top […]