BLOG – Club Nintendo June 2012

Continuing the monthly tradition of offering new wave of downloadable games in exchange for Club Nintendo coins, Nintendo has some great titles available this June 2012:


–          Donkey Kong – 3DS (100 coins)

–          Brain Age Express: Sudoku – 3DS (150 coins)

–          Kirby Super Star – Wii Virtual Console (150 coins)

–          Maboshi’s Arcade – WiiWare (150 coins)

Donkey Kong is a great game and shouldn’t be confused with the original arcade version.  Sure the first few levels are throwbacks to the original arcade version, but this Gameboy game is so much more than that. I played the hell outta this game back when it was first released in the 90’s and still holds up today.  If you have 100 coins in your Nintendo vault, this would be a great way to spend them.


I have not played Brain Age Sudoku but I am assuming it is just Sudoku.  Not great, but nothing special either.


Kirby Super Star is also a great way to spend 150 coins.  However, Nintendo announced that some special Kirby material will be coming soon due to his anniversary.  I am assuming that many different Kirby games will be bundled on one disc with Super Star being one of them.   Perhaps details will be released during this week’s E3.  Either way, Kirby is pretty much a safe bet.

Kirby SS

Like many other WiiWare titles, Maboshi’s Arcade could be a sleeper hit.  Although I have not played it myself, I am quiet curious.  There seems to be a unique multiplayer mode and there is even an option to transfer a version to a DS system.  It also has seen favorable reviews, making me want to spend my precious coins.


Finally, June 30th is the last day to reach Elite status and receive a special Club Nintendo prize.

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