You can see below for the official statement but if this HD compilation disc is anything like the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, I think this is something to be excited about. Granted, I played and still own both of these games already on PS2 but I do not think I would mind playing them […]
BLOG – GS Marks Down GBA Games Even More, 75%!Towards the end of the last week I get a random email from Gamestop with something about a free game in the subject line. To quickly sum up, Gamestop was giving away download codes for the PC game StoneLoops of Jurassica – just print out the UPC code, bring it to the store and a […]
REVIEW – The House of the Dead III (PSN)Shotgun Showdown It is nice of Sega to port The House of the Dead III to Sony’s downloadable service but the lack of extra features yield a very short limit on its otherwise entertaining action oriented gameplay. As a quick summary, The House of the Dead series is a lightgun franchise born in arcades and […]
BLOG – Road TrippingYou know what is good about road trips? Handheld gaming. Whenever I fly or go anywhere longer than a day, I usually take my DS or PSP with me. I am excited because I am hoping to find an hour or two that I can play some backlog DS games that I picked up over […]
REVIEW – The Simpsons Arcade (XBLA)Fighting Through Springfield Rounding out the most memorable brawlers of 90’s arcades and standing right beside the ports of TMNT and X-Men, The Simpsons Arcade game has finally landed on home consoles via XBLA and PSN. Ah yes, the brawler. It really is a lost video game art form, reaching its pinnacle on 16-bit systems […]
REVIEW – Double Fine Happy Action Theater (XBLA)Effortless Fun Double Fine Happy Action Theater isn’t so much a game as it is more of a glorified tech demo but it will undoubtedly bring out a childlike entertainment quality that is rarely found in games today. Anyone of any age can immediately hop into Happy Action Theater. With no menus, no log-ins, no […]

GBA Single-Pak Link Multiplayer Game List – Complete (aka multi-boot mode)(Originally posted Aug. 18, 2004 – Updated Aug. 14, 2024 – check out the embedded YouTube coverage for each entry to learn about each title’s dedicated Single-Pak link mode. Also, I believe the list below is now complete and features EVERY GBA Single-Pak linkable multiplayer game. If I missed any, please let me know. Due […]
BLOG – Gamestop’s GBA Clearance SaleFor a while now, Gamestop has been discounting their dwindling stock of used GBA games. You can’t blame them since the DS Lite is the only DS that is backward compatible with GBA games and the vast majority of DS sales are coming from the 3DS. Even the DSi and DSiXL do not support GBA […]
REVIEW – XoticConfusing, Frustrating, and Not Fun Xotic is an unorganized mess of a FPS puzzle game that is marred with lame gunplay, confusing level design, insulting game mechanics wrapped in a perplexing plotline. From what I can make of the poorly presented storyline, Xotic takes a note from Halo‘s parasitic Flood; the ultimate goal is to […]
REVIEW – QuarrelRisky Words Image playing Risk but swap out the artillery dice rolling combat with Scrabble. It is an interesting mechanic that makes for an unexpected but highly entertaining $5 download. Two to four players compete for dominance of an island and the only way to conquer your opponent is by using anagram skills. Like Risk, […]