Hirilun (XSX) Review
Hirilun (XSX) Review

Published by Ratalaika Games and available on all major platforms, Hirilun is a monochrome time-based platformer with a difficult to pronounce name. The goal is to get through the intricate obstacle courses in the shortest amount of time to earn a 3-star ranking. Unfortunately, this time-trail-based first person platformer is unplayable for me as there […]

8 Colors Star Guardians (Switch) Review
8 Colors Star Guardians (Switch) Review

Instead of releasing new, retro score-based arcade games like Donut Dodo and Murtop, Flynn’s Arcade has published 8 Colors Star Guardians, a nothing-else-quite-like-it RPG boss rush presented in a retro style. It is loaded with charm, contains helpful and entertaining dialog, and contains die-and-try-again gameplay that doesn’t grow tedious. Describing Star Guardians actually sounds pretty […]

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