Konami has just announced a release date for Z.O.E. HD Collection – Oct 30th (also known as Assassin’s Creed III day). And keeping up the traditional, a fully playable demo of Revengeance will be included on the disc. Fans will remember that the original Zone of the Enders can bundled with a highly sought after […]
REVIEW – Jet Set Radio (PSN)Wear Your Helmet Originally released on the Dreamcast in 2000, Jet Set Radio joins the ranks of Sonic Adventure and Sega Bass Fishing as a digital download on both PSN and XBLA. Unfortunately, like many early 3D games, this graffiti rollerblading sim is better kept in your memory banks as opposed to reliving the past. […]
NEWS – Metal Gear Rising Arriving Feb 2013Konami announced that it will release METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE in North America and South America on February 19th, 2013. Developed by Kojima Productions and PlatinumGames, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE takes the renowned METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory by focusing on delivering an all-new action experience unlike anything that has come before. The […]
REVIEW – Frogger Hyper ArcadeA Buggy Frog Frogger has hopped onto next gen systems, including PSN and WiiWare, but winds up jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The main Frogger gameplay elements that gamers have been playing for decades remain the same – move from one side of the screen to the other without coming […]
REVIEW – Zuma’s RevengeBall Blasting Not too long ago, I wrote an article about the DS retail version of Zuma’s Revenge. And just as I predicted, this color-matching sequel has transition to the XBLA with online leaderboards, 400 Achievement Points, and even a few different Avatar awards. Just like the DS version, this sequel’s biggest highlights are the […]
NEWS – Zuma’s Revenge Launches on XBLAPopCap Games announced the global launch Zuma’s Revenge! for the Xbox 360. Adapted from the PC blockbuster game and fully optimized for Xbox LIVE, Zuma’s Revenge! boasts exclusive new game modes, including Boss Rush and Weekly Challenge as well as an all-new player progression system via Spirit Animal companions. The digital game is now available […]