Tap Wizard 2, published by Ultimate Games, is a passive auto-clicker, a genre that is growing in popularity. If you have not played an auto-clicker before, it is a game you kinda, sort of, not play. It plays itself. Even though it sounds strange, there is an addictive gameplay loop that offers casual, off-beat satisfaction […]
Bloodhound (XSX) ReviewBloodhound, a fast-paced boomer shooter without a plot, is now available on pretty much all current gen consoles and PC. You can read our staff writer’s review of the PC version here for more. In short, everything mentioned in the PC article mostly holds true here. This is an action game that doesn’t require thought. […]
Diamond Hands: To The Moon (Switch) ReviewDiamond Hands: To the Moon is literally the same game has Hellstruck, Rage with Your Friends right down to the menu interface and gameplay. The only difference is, instead of playing as a demon, you play as a businessman… for some reason. Either way, be prepared to suffer as this game is tough and requires […]
Hellstruck: Rage with Your Friends (Switch) ReviewHellstruck: Rage with Your Friends is a Jump King clone. If you never played Jump King, it is a comically difficult vertical platformer that demands perfection and the utmost dedication. Playing as a demon, it is your job to jump from platform to platform to reach the top. There are no enemies to fight. No […]
Lost Dream: Darkness (Switch) ReviewFor whatever reason, I noticed a couple trends in gaming over the last few years – there seem to be more and more walking simulators and many games seem to be starring foxes. Lost Dream: Darkness mixes these two popular inclinations into a game that, well, isn’t exactly a game. Controlling a fox, the goal […]
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021 (Switch) ReviewReleased in early 2020, the original Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator has to be one of the worst games I have played this console generation. While this 2021 sequel is much more playable, it still lacks in entertainment value. Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021 puts players in the role of a mechanic in charge of servicing street hogs. […]
Mr. Prepper (Xbox One) ReviewMr. Prepper has a lot in common with Fallout Shelter but adds the collecting and crafting of most open world RPGs. There is a lot happening and the complicated UI doesn’t do the experience any favors. It is never explained but you guide a bad ass looking rock star dude to build things within his […]
Enchanted Path (Switch) ReviewA simple trial-and-error puzzle game about guiding an alien-headed humanoid to the end goal by picking up gems along the way, Enchanted Path does not have much going for it. The visuals are sorely bland and there is no replay value but at least the background tunes are pleasant. From an isometric grid, the player […]
Rover Mechanic Simulator (Xbox One) Review with streamRover Mechanic Simulator is the last sim title by Ultimate Games and it focuses on interplanetary machines as opposed to War Trucks, Bus sims, or even foreign War simulation. Unfortunately, this game suffers similarly to these other sim-based titles as it is overly complex, always tedious, and little more than a button pressing and menu […]
Fishing Adventure (Xbox One) review with streamOriginally released on Switch in early 2020, Fishing Adventure is now available on Xbox One. Since this is the exactly the same game, everything that I mentioned in my Switch article applies here. To recap my original Switch coverage, there is no story in this first person fishing sim so the game jumps right into […]