Tag: No Gravity Games

Tanuki Justice (Switch) Review
Tanuki Justice (Switch) Review

Tanuki Justice, published by PixelHeart (physical) and NoGravityGames (digital) and developed by Wonderboy Bobi, has run-and-gun Contra style gameplay with charming 8-bit visuals.Ā  It also has that old school challenge that demands practice in order to complete each stage. Although difficult, it is still beatable with some persistence. The tanukis are also pretty darn cute. […]

Destropolis (Switch) Review
Destropolis (Switch) Review

Destropolis has just about everything you want in an arena high-score based twin-stick shooter.Ā  It is constant action, the screen can fill will an uncountable amount of enemies, there are power-ups galore, and it features co-op play. The minimalist presentation also provides a timeless and contemporary visual style. Simply put, you play as a 3D […]

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