NEWS – Z.O.E. HD Releases Oct. 30th 2012

Konami has just announced a release date for Z.O.E. HD Collection – Oct 30th (also known as Assassin’s Creed III day).  And keeping up the traditional, a fully playable demo of Revengeance will be included on the disc. Fans will remember that the original Zone of the Enders can bundled with a highly sought after demo of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty on PS2

This HD Collection will contain both Z.O.E. 1 and 2.  But wouldn’t it be cool with the GBA game was included as well?!

Official press release below:



Konami unveiled the launch date for ZONE OF THE ENDERS HD COLLECTION, coming October 30 to the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. KONAMI will also include a demo of one of the most anticipated action titles, METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE, along with the retail version of ZONE OF THE ENDERS HD COLLECTION at launch. The demo will be the first time consumers will be able to experience the title’s thrilling “cut at will” game mechanic first hand at home.

Developed by Kojima Productions, Zone of the Enders HD Collection will include fan favorites Zone of the Enders and the European special edition version of its sequel Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner. This will be the first time these games are available in fully remastered HD, and the first time this version of Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner has been released stateside.

The essential Zone of the Enders series features the engrossing storytelling of Hideo Kojima, paired with thrilling robot fights in a futuristic interplanetary setting. Players experience high-flying robot combat as they grab enemies, unleash a whirlwind of blade strikes and fire off guns from a distance, all while spiraling freely in open air. Partnering with legendary animation house Sunrise, Zone of the Enders HD Collection will also include a brand new opening animation, as well as fully up-resed renders of the original opening animations from the original games.

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