Tag: Konami

NEWS – Metal Gear Online Gets Cloaked In Silence DLC
NEWS – Metal Gear Online Gets Cloaked In Silence DLC

Konami that the ‘CLOAKED IN SILENCE’ DLC campaign for METAL GEAR ONLINE, the dedicated, squad-based multi-player component of the best-selling METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, is now available. The ‘CLOAKED IN SILENCE’ Expansion Pack includes three new maps (CORAL COMPLEX, RUST PALACE, AZURE MOUNTAIN) and a new character, Quiet. Players who purchase the […]

NEWS – Konami Releases Suikoden III on PSN
NEWS – Konami Releases Suikoden III on PSN

Konami released Suikoden III via PlayStation2 Classic on the PlayStation Network. Set roughly 16 years after the events of Suikoden II, Suikoden III takes place in the series’ Grasslands realm, North West of events in the second game. The Grasslands are overseen by six clans, and is under constant siege from the rulers of the […]

VIDEOCAST – Gradius V (PS2 on PS3 PSN)
VIDEOCAST – Gradius V (PS2 on PS3 PSN)

This week me and Gillman try and survive Gradius V, a challenging 2D shooter by Konami.  This PS2 game was just recently released on PSN.  And let’s just be honest Konami just doesn’t have much going on these days so we will take what we can get. Metal Gear Solid V can’t be released soon […]

NEWS – PS2 Classic Gradius V Now Available on PSN
NEWS – PS2 Classic Gradius V Now Available on PSN

Konami announced its classic shoot ‘em-up Gradius V is now available for PlayStation 3 worldwide via the PlayStation Network service, priced at $9.99. Previously released for PlayStation 2, the digital reissue of Gradius V marks the series’ first appearance for PlayStationÂŽ3. The classic shoot ‘em up recalls the all-action old school videogame style and is […]

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