Another simple, single-screened stage-based platformer published by EastAsiaSoft, Color Pals is a low-cost way to easily increase your Gamerscore while offering an hour of twitch platforming.
The gimmick behind each of the 50 available stages comes from the color mechanic. Playing as a cube, you can only traverse platforms that share your color. Step on a blue tile when you are green and you’ll be forced to restart, for example. Since the player must often change color mid-jump, there is a small brain teasing aspect as well.
To get a taste of this simple gameplay, see my stream embedded in this article.
While the basic visual presentation gets the job done, it is very plain yet easy to understand; the bright primary colors make it easy to distinguish especially in a moment’s notice. However, it is difficult to see the bounce pads in comparison to the normal platform files. If you look closely, they are indicated with a faded arrow but it is very difficult to see and will result in some accidental deaths.
The soundtrack generates a casual and more laid-back experience, but it is unfortunate there is no option to adjust the volume levels as it is rather loud by default. The cute voice quips from the playable cube character also provides some welcomed charm.
Although Color Pals offers some simple and relatively mindless gameplay, most players are probably not going to download this for the gameplay. Instead, this is one of the easiest games to earn 2,000 Achievement Points in a short amount of time, just like many other EastAsiaSoft titles. While the gameplay isn’t bad, it is just plain and unexciting. But for only five bucks, the cost is easily justified.
SCORE: 6/10
Not As Good As: Sir Lovelot
For More Easy Achievements Play: Volley Pals
Don’t Forget About: Pocket Witch
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
Twitter: @ZackGaz
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