Category: Featured

REVIEW – Zeno Clash II (PS3/PSN)
REVIEW – Zeno Clash II (PS3/PSN)

Solve Problems With Punches – In the early 90’s the brawler genre dominated arcades and home consoles but as gameplay evolved this “punch-everything-and-walk-to-the-right” type of game gave way to First Person Shooters and RPGs. Zeno Clash, and now its sequel Zeno Clash II, are throwbacks to this old brawler genre but integrated with modern gameplay […]

Videocast – McPixel (PC)
Videocast – McPixel (PC)

This week, me and Gillman have a couple more technical difficulties trying to record our stream.  But once we get everything up and running, we have a good time playing McPixel… even though we don’t understand it. Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV

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