Tag: Xbox Series X

Xatrom Command (XSX) Review
Xatrom Command (XSX) Review

The Smash T.V./Xeno Crisis gameplay is a winning formula. High action. Short burst gameplay. Entertaining co-op. Big bosses. Swarms of enemies. Powerful weaponry. And just enough randomness to allow the player to build skill to get better. Xatrom Command follows the overall top-down gameplay of these fan favorites but forgets to include all the cool […]

Violet Wisteria (XSX) Review
Violet Wisteria (XSX) Review

Violet Wisteria is a 2D side-scrolling action platformer based around Japanese fantasy. Unfortunately, the tri-combat system is both its main gimmick but also its biggest flaw. When playing on Xbox, the “A” button jumps while the three other face buttons are assigned a specific attack that is associated with a color: red, white, and blue. […]

Genie Reprise (XSX) Review
Genie Reprise (XSX) Review

Described as an atmospheric fantasy adventure, Genie Reprise is an experimental game that is best experienced by niche, patient players. This walking simulator’s gimmick is also its biggest flaw – slowly presented rhyming poetry. The gameplay loop is simple and is barely interactive. From a first-person perspective, the player is dropped into a small environment […]

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