Clearly inspired by Metroid Dread, Mars 2120 follows the basic Metroid formula only without life, passion, or purpose.
Playing as an unnamed character, there really is no story which makes the experience feel empty and pointless. You have a space suit. You are on Mars. And you shoot mindless enemies while navigating corridors to find the next upgrade.
Combat, an action you perform constantly, is annoying at best. If possible, it is better to jump over enemies and just run away since they are there to just get in your way. Using twin stick controls, it is possible to shoot enemies from a distance, but the lock-on system never feels quite right. Sometimes it sticks awkwardly. Melee attacks are available but is nothing more than button mashing, especially since there are only a few enemy types.
On a positive note, there are some nice set pieces, providing a sense that this space marine is venturing through one massive landscape. On the downside, it can be confusing on where the game wants you to go next. After studying the map for a while, it is possible to decipher what some symbols mean but they still don’t provide solid guidance. More often than not, I was left wandering after I found a new upgrade. I knew I was supposed to use that upgrade to reach the next area, I just never really knew where that was without retracing all steps which annoying takes a lot of time. Sometimes the game provides a quick cutscene of a door opening but it doesn’t tell you where that door is located.
Mars 2120 is a lacking Metroid wannabe but it is still respected even though it doesn’t provide the highest level of entertainment. Its overall heart and soul are in the right place but is tedious at best when it doesn’t nail the basics.
SCORE: 5/10
Not As Good As: Trash Quest
For Grapple Gun Goodness Play: Rusted Moss
Don’t Forget About: Escape From Tethys and Cosmos Bit
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
Twitter: @ZackGaz
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