Tag: Xbox Series X

Worldless (XSX) Review
Worldless (XSX) Review

A stylized 2D Metroidvania with turn-based combat, Worldless offers a unique mix of strategy and platforming. Designed around a moody atmospheric world, there are plenty of secrets to find, enemies to absorb, and upgrades to unlock while venturing through this striking environment. While the story is a little obtuse (are play as a spark looking […]

Alpha Particle (XSX) Review
Alpha Particle (XSX) Review

Alpha Particle is a different type of game and deserves recognition for it. From a top-down perspective, each stage is a single-screen twitch, reaction-based puzzle. Playing as a spark of electricity, the player needs to power terminals, trapping enemy sparks along the way. While it might sound simple and creative, the overall approach and presentation […]

Air Twister (XSX) Review
Air Twister (XSX) Review

Known for developing titles such as Out Run, Afterburner, and Shenmue, Yu Suzukiā€™s latest release, Air Twister, plays like a direct successor to Space Harrier right down the speed of gameplay, constantly looking at the playable characterā€™s keester, and rainbow-colored oblong laser blasts. It is an on-rails gallery-style shooter loaded with extras that was originally […]

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