Tag: Wii U

REVIEW – Squids Odyssey 3DS eShop
REVIEW – Squids Odyssey 3DS eShop

Pulling into Port – The Nintendo 3DS eShop version of Squids Odyssey is a port of the Wii U version containing all the same content but with a couple differences involving the smaller screen. Similar to the Wii U Gamepad controls, the 3DS touch screen with the stylus or Circlepad can be used for all […]

E3 2014 – Nintendo Summary
E3 2014 – Nintendo Summary

Unlike Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo has had some extra time with their new gen system. In typical Nintendo fashion, they killed it with 1st party announcements but 3rd party support remains low. However, a higher emphasis on smaller indie games was definitely made apparent and Nintendo is also betting heavily on the NFC Amiibo figures. […]

Videocast – Mario Kart 8
Videocast – Mario Kart 8

This week me and Gillman are enjoying the newest addition to the Mario Kart Franchise. Sit back and watch as Gillman does terribly at all things and battles off some kind of flu/fever thing. The fact that he is making coherent sentences should impress everyone that is out there. Watch live video from Varms on […]

REVIEW – Squids Odyssey WiiU eShop
REVIEW – Squids Odyssey WiiU eShop

Strategic Flick’Em Up – Mixing the flicking catapult and level progression gameplay of Angry Birds with the strategy of billiards, Squids Odyssey has extended its mobile roots to the Wii U with a 3DS port set to be released soon. It is a simple concept that translates to some clever and entertaining gameplay but is […]

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