When the Gameboy Color version of Perfect Dark is connected to the N64 game via the Transfer Pak, four cheats become unlocked. The coolest part is this Transfer Pak functionality was adopted into the Xbox and Switch Online ports too. See it here.
Adult Link in The Legend of Zelda – Ocarina of Time often says “skank” when in battle and a way to prove his might. Here is a fun way to appreciate this wonderful exclamation by waiting for him to shout this famous word here. -When will he say it?-How many times will he say it? […]
N64 games are now available to play on Nintendo Switch through the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack service ($50/year). Although the current roster of games is a good start, I would like to see some additional games make their way onto this online service. This video quickly touches on 10 (well, technically 11 but who […]