Space Hexcite might not look like much but it has an unexpectedly fun Single-Pak link multiplayer mode about placing hexagons and other shapes on a game board. This GBA version also acts as a sequel to the GBC original.

Space Hexcite might not look like much but it has an unexpectedly fun Single-Pak link multiplayer mode about placing hexagons and other shapes on a game board. This GBA version also acts as a sequel to the GBC original.
Does Licca-chan no Oshare Nikki have the most pointless Single-Pak link mode on GBA? Yes. Is this Single-Pak link mode the best multiboot mode on GBA to creatively post penis-related messages? Also yes.
If you know how to play Mahjong, you will probably enjoy the numerous way to customize the gameplay. There are so many options! However, since the entire game is in Japanese, English speakers will have a tough time learning the rules.
Although it is difficult to pronounce (Isseki Hacchou Kore 1-pon de 8 Shurui!), this 8-games-in-1 card game compilation by Konami has a quality interface behind it. Even if you can’t read Japanese, it is still possible to enjoy the Single-Pak multiplayer games and fumble your way around the menu system with some trial and error.
Ganbare Dodge Fighters, a Japanese exclusive GBA game, has a Single-Pak link multiplayer mode. Unfortunately, without options, no super moves, and tedious loading, it doesn’t come strongly recommended.
Card Party has a bright visual style and a roster of a dozen games but is held back by the constant loading and restarting of all GBAs. While it is possible to trial-and-error your way around the menu system over time, non-Japanese speakers are going to have a tough time. There are other, better card […]
EX Monopoly remained exclusive to Japan which is a shame because this is a much better version of this classic board game that the version we received here in the States. Unfortunately, even though this is a better version of Monopoly, non-Japanese speakers are going to have a tough time navigating the detailed menus and […]
Dokodemo Taikyoku: Yakuman Advance supports 4 players but English speakers, like me, are going to have a tough time understanding how to play or what is happening. I don’t know how to play Yakuman and don’t know Japanese so I apologize for the lack of detail on this one. But I still needed to make […]
Like the first game, Puyo Pop, this sequel, Puyo Pop Fever, offers some quality 1-cartridge multiplayer on Gameboy Advance. The music, the modes, the extras like the Fever Mode and large clump piece, and the ability to assign teams in any combination, Puyo Pop Fever easily has one of the best Single-Pak link modes on […]
This forgotten Japanese exclusive Tetris game is one of the very few Tetris titles on GBA, especially one that features a Single-Pak link multiplayer mode for up to 4 players. There are two modes: Standard VS and Arranged but they are both pretty much the same thing except that Arrange is time based and you […]