Tag: DLC

REVIEW – Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 1
REVIEW – Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 1

Cashing In Your Coins – Nintendo, not normally known for creating DLC, has provided fans something special with Mario Kart 8 Pack 1. Not only is the fan service top tier but Nintendo has gone out of their way to create something extraordinary by introducing guest characters and stages from some of their other franchises. […]

REVIEW – Pikmin 3 Wii U
REVIEW – Pikmin 3 Wii U

Letting the Weed Grow – The original Wii received ports of Pikmin and Pikmin 2 outfitted with new motion play control but completely missed out on a new entry in the series. Thankfully, Nintendo has not forgotten about this beloved quirky franchise by bringing a new sequel to the Wii U. Overall the game is […]

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