Succubus With Guns (PS4) Review with stream

A single player arena shooter with a monster/zombie theme, Succubus with Guns has an initially intriguing theme but ultimately suffers from repetition and jank. The main playable character is also a mock Lara Croft clone but with horns.  

On paper, the solo Horde mode gameplay sounds like your average 3rd person “stay alive until you kill all the things” shooter. You can jump, shoot, crouch (even though it serves no purpose), and gain access to a few different ranged or melee weapons. Enemies will spawn from every direction in dedicated waves and eventually, if you win, you’ll move onto the next. It isn’t anything you have not played before and would have at least been mildly serviceable if it wasn’t for lack of features and polish.

First, the frame rate is a joke. With a game that demands precision aiming, it is inexcusable to run so sporadically.  Enemies also repeat and carry the same behavior; they storm you uncontrollably but then turn and run after taking damage. This makes combat annoying as you need to chase fleeing enemies, taking longer to kill to move onto the next wave. Coupled with choppy animation and a broken frame rate, the experience is nearly unplayable.

As bad as the combat is, there is no option to invert the Y axis for inverter players (me).  It is late 2022. How can you not include an option to invert the camera in a 3rd person action game? Even if you are not an inverter, the complete lack of music makes the experience entirely hallow and the visuals also do not do the game any favors. The fog effect in stage 2, for example, is so poorly done that you cannot see anything. It can also take 30+ minutes to complete a wave so not having a save and continue option is simply inexcusable.

Succubus with Guns feels like an early alpha build at best. The lack of options, overall jank, and repetition feels like the gameplay was headed in the right direction but then development time and budget money expired. Without an extensive patch to fix at least some of these issues, this is an arena shooter to avoid; do not be seduced by the succubus.

SCORE: 4/10

Also Play: Rule No.1

Not As Weird As: God Damn The Garden

On Par With: Blood Waves

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

Twitter: @ZackGaz

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