3-Player Co-op Like the 2009 original, Trine 2 is a physics based 2D puzzle platformer somewhat similar to The Lost Vikings or even Limbo. Whether playing solo or with a couple buddies locally or online, the player will control a batch a stereotypical characters. The knight can slice through baddies with his sword, bash walls […]
BLOG – 6 New 3DS Games for $30!For whatever reason, Bestbuy was selling 3DS games for $5 yesterday (12-22-11). Call it a crazy one day sale. Or even a typo. But whatever the case was, they were selling Pilotwings Resort, Steel Diver, and Nintendogs + Cats French Bulldog version and Toy Poddle version for $5 each. And just to be clear, these […]
BLOG – Gamestop’s GC Game SaleOn Thursday December 15. 2011 Gamestop had a special holiday sale for Power Up Rewards members – 50% off Gamecube games. This sale was just one of the daily specials they have going on this holiday season. I was probably one of the few to be excited about this promotion as it was my chance […]
REVIEW – Sonic CD (XBLA)A Surprise From The Past This year, Sega has already given us the decent Sonic Generations which mixed classic Sonic with modern Sonic. Even though this was one of the better Sonic games in years it still was missing that 2D pixel-based charm. But in a strange turn of events, Sega has released Sonic CD […]
REVIEW – Defense Grid – You Monster DLC ReviewIf you have not play Defense Grid yet, shame on you. It is a good game. Since its 2009 release, Hidden Path Entertainment has been continually offering new DLC to the core experience, adding new missions and challenge maps. You Monster, an optional $5 expansion available for both XBLA and Steam, is directly linked to […]
NEWS – Capcom Bundles XBLA Games on a Single DiscCapcom today announced Capcom Digital Collection exclusively for the Xbox 360. Jam-packed with eight hit games previously available via Xbox LIVE Arcade for Xbox 360, the collection includes : 1942: Joint Strike Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Final Fight Double Impact Flock! Rocketmen: Axis of Evil (plus expansion) Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Super […]
NEWS – Gamestop Holiday DealsGamestop is having some crazy holiday specials. Right now, if you trade in a qualifying Apple product, you can get yourself a brand spanking new Xbox 360 with Kinect! See below and check out the official site for more details. Also, this Thursday (Dec 15, 2011), Gamestop is going to be having a one day […]
BLOG – Where Have All the XBLA Games Gone?I love the XBLA. For a fraction of the price of a retail game, Arcade titles can offer just as much entertainment, if not even more so, than games sold at your local store. In fact, developers are willing to take more risks in this market and the result is more unique games. While I […]
BLOG – Sony. Corporate Geniuses or Money Grubbing Bullies? Thoughts on Vita’s Memory Card Pricing.From a business perspective, I can understand why Sony does the things they do. They are Sony after all. But from a consumer point of view, I am… how can I put this, not the biggest fan of Sony’s immoral ways. Besides the retardly high price of the PS3 and PS2 upon launch, Sony also […]
REVIEW – Vanguard Bandits (PSN)Charming But Outdated Vanguard Bandits is a strategy RPG that can probably be summed up as a hybrid between Vandal Hearts and Fire Emblem. But as a game reviewer and fan of strategy RPGs, I am torn with Vanguard Bandits. Why am I torn? Well, first and foremost, I am very happy to see MonkeyPaw, […]