Qualifying But Not Record Setting Building off the foundation set by the Winter Games a couple years ago, Mario and Sonic are trying their hand at summer based Olympic sports. However, this game takes a distance bronze instead of going for the gold. In terms of gameplay, Mario & Sonic at the 2012 London Olympic […]
REVIEW – Defenders of Ardania (XBLA)Defense Meets Offense Tower defense games are plentiful on both XBLA and iOS. However, Defenders of Ardania introduces a new key element to the tried-n-true defense formula: offense. As entertaining as the offensive side of things sound, DoA suffers from a severe case of imbalance. Instead of outsmarting opponents, just about every match relies on […]
NEWS – Frogger: Hyper Arcade Announced for XBLA, PSN, WiiWare, MobileKonami announced Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition is arriving this Spring for the PlayStationNetwork for the PlayStation3 computer entertainment system, Xbox LIVE Arcade, and Nintendo’s WiiWare. The game will also be available for smartphone platforms. Frogger’s coin-op thrills are back and better than ever in Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition! The arcade excitement of Frogger returns in […]
NEWS – Johnny Kung Fu Announced for 3DS eShopUFO Interactive has announced a new original title for the 3DS eShop – Johnny Kung Fu. Although not many details have been released, it looks sorta like an old school beat’em up brawler. One stage even looks like a Game & Watch game! A May release date is the target and no price has been given. […]
REVIEW – Zuma’s Revenge (DS)Shoot Some Balls From Your Mouth Sequel to the original marble shooter, Zuma’s Revenge is a decent but familiar follow up to the fan favorite action puzzler. Minus the addition of real time online multiplayer option, Zuma’s Revenge has everything any typical sequel should include – new levels, powerups, boss battles, and some new gameplay […]
BLOG – Club Nintendo, Praises and CriticismsIf you have not joined Club Nintendo, you should as Nintendo is basically going to give you stuff for free. And free is good. Especially when you get something with higher quality. Somewhat similar to Xbox Live Rewards, Club Nintendo rewards consumers for buying eligible Nintendo prodcuts: hardware, disc-based games, and downloadable titles on Wii, […]
NEWS – Z.O.E. HD Has Fall Release DateYou can see below for the official statement but if this HD compilation disc is anything like the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, I think this is something to be excited about. Granted, I played and still own both of these games already on PS2 but I do not think I would mind playing them […]
BLOG – GS Marks Down GBA Games Even More, 75%!Towards the end of the last week I get a random email from Gamestop with something about a free game in the subject line. To quickly sum up, Gamestop was giving away download codes for the PC game StoneLoops of Jurassica – just print out the UPC code, bring it to the store and a […]
REVIEW – The House of the Dead III (PSN)Shotgun Showdown It is nice of Sega to port The House of the Dead III to Sony’s downloadable service but the lack of extra features yield a very short limit on its otherwise entertaining action oriented gameplay. As a quick summary, The House of the Dead series is a lightgun franchise born in arcades and […]
BLOG – Road TrippingYou know what is good about road trips? Handheld gaming. Whenever I fly or go anywhere longer than a day, I usually take my DS or PSP with me. I am excited because I am hoping to find an hour or two that I can play some backlog DS games that I picked up over […]