A Sequel For the Fans – Luigi is always left in the shadow of his bigger brother Mario as he rarely gets his own game. Uniquely, Nintendo put their faith in Mario’s taller and skinnier brother when they launched the Gamecube 2001 with Luigi’s Mansion, a 3D adventure style game that was more focused on […]
REVIEW – Kinect Party (XBLA/Kinect)Let’s Get The Party Started – Last year Double Fine released Happy Action Theater to the XBLA, a “mini-game” compilation that had players using the Kinect in fun and creative ways. I put quotes around “mini-game” because they are not really games as opposed to activities since there really is no way to win or […]
REVIEW – Chuck E. Cheese’s Alien Defense Force (DSiWare)Saving Earth With A Watergun – If the world was under attack by aliens, who should be elected to save it? The President? Jesus? Superman? Bruce Willis? Nope. The answer is Chuck E. Cheese – the rabid rat mascot who likes to feed young children horrible pizza and dip them in disease laden ballpits. And […]

Forgotten Relics, the GBC Rumble CartsRumbling In Your Pocket Several months ago, I wrote an article highlighting the Forgotten Relic – the DS Rumble Pak. However, this was not the first time that a portable game system incorporated force feedback into games. Sure, there were a couple other failed handheld systems like the Zodiac Tapwave, but the Gameboy Color actually […]
BLOG – Pikmin 3 Preview (Wii U)Killing Them Softly It has been almost a decade since we were last treated to a new Pikmin title. This unique IP was first launched in 2001 on the Gamecube while its sequel followed in 2004. Nintendo then proceeded to re-release these two Pikmin games on the Wii, retrofitting them with a new play control […]
Kinect Party Goes Free Dec 18, 2012Double Fine is going to be launching the sequel to Happy Action Theater, Kinect Party, on Tuesday Dec 18, 2012. This comes just in time to have stupid crazy fun during your lame holiday parties! The best part, this game is scheduled to be released AS A FREE DOWNLOAD from Dec 18th – Dec 31st. […]
NEWS – NeoGeo Gold X Now AvailableTommo, Inc., in partnership with SNK PLAYMORE, confirmed that the NEOGEO X GOLD entertainment system is now available. Following the 20th anniversary of the ground breaking NEOGEO AES console, the NEOGEO X GOLD entertainment system provides players with all of the features of a home arcade and the convenience of […]
NEWS – Splinter Cell Movie DetailsUbisoft and New Regency announced that they are partnering on the forthcoming Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell film. Ubisoft Motion Pictures, the film and television division of Ubisoft, will develop the Splinter Cell movie in close collaboration with New Regency. Ubisoft also recently announced it attached award-winning actor Tom Hardy […]
NEWS – Kinect Party TrailerDouble Fine recently released a new trailer for Kinect Party, the sequel to Happy Action Theater. You can check out the trailer HERE. Up to 6 players can expect to participate in over a dozen activities. There is also supposedly a feature to incorporate the original Happy Action Theater activates into Kinect Party if you […]
REVIEW – Aero Porter 3DS eShopLots of Baggage – Aero Porter is the second game of the Guild01 compilation. Liberation Maiden was released by Suda51 a few weeks ago and now Aero Porter is the latest game by Yoot Saito, most famous for creating Seaman on Dreamcast. Aero Porter is an airport baggage sim and gameplay is somewhat difficult to […]