GC-to-GBA Link – SSX 3
GC-to-GBA Link – SSX 3

EA’s SSX 3 has a communication feature between the console and handheld versions. When connected with a GC-to-GBA link cable, players can freely transfer funds back and forth between the Gamecube and Gameboy Advance versions. In other words, if you want to grind the console version to easily max out stats in the GBA version, […]

Goliath Depot (Switch) Review
Goliath Depot (Switch) Review

Flynn’s Arcade, publisher of the excellent new, retro arcade games Donut Dodo and Murtop, has also released Goliath Depot, another excellent, new retro arcade-style platformer. Instead of taking inspiration from classic Donkey Kong, Bomberman, and DigDug, Goliath Depot can sort of be seen as an evolution of Elevator Action. From a single screen, the player […]

Doug’s Nightmare (XSX) Review
Doug’s Nightmare (XSX) Review

Doug’s Nightmare is an oddly creative but super repetitive $6 digital download. Playing as a banana with anxiety, gameplay takes place from a top-down perspective with twin-stick shooter controls. Think Smash T.V. but without fun, excitement, and purpose.  Not that this twin stick shooter is without personality, it is just pointless. Why are you playing […]

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