Category: Reviews

Game and gadget reviews here.

REVIEW – Vanguard Bandits (PSN)

Charming But Outdated Vanguard Bandits is a strategy RPG that can probably be summed up as a hybrid between Vandal Hearts and Fire Emblem.  But as a game reviewer and fan of strategy RPGs, I am torn with Vanguard Bandits. Why am I torn?  Well, first and foremost, I am very happy to see MonkeyPaw, […]


Kling-On is an incomplete project but the foundation is solid.  I am kicking myself now for not finding the time to complete this project as games like N+ and Super Meatboy beat me to it. Anyway, I always enjoyed the wall jumping mechanic found the in the MegaMan X games and always wanted to create […]

REVIEW – X-Men Destiny (PS3)

It Is Not Your Destiny X-Men Destiny does something different.  Instead of assuming control of your favorite mutant superhero, Destiny puts you in the shoes of an unknown mutant.  The entire basis behind the gameplay is having the option of imbuing the special abilities of your liking, not unlike selecting the Ranger, Fighter, or Mage […]

REVEIW – Sonic Generations (360)

Back To Basics Sega’s favorite mascot has going through some tough times ever since he left the Genesis era.  Sonic Generations is a throwback to great 2D levels of the 16-bit age with the best touches of Sonic Adventure mixed in.  Sure, fans received Sonic Colors but the ridiculous alien plotline was a little strange […]

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