Category: Reviews

Game and gadget reviews here.

REVIEW – Zuma’s Revenge

Ball Blasting Not too long ago, I wrote an article about the DS retail version of Zuma’s Revenge.  And just as I predicted, this color-matching sequel has transition to the XBLA with online leaderboards, 400 Achievement Points, and even a few different Avatar awards. Just like the DS version, this sequel’s biggest highlights are the […]

REVIEW – Tomba! (PSOne on PSN)

Love Pink Cavemen. Evil pigs. Pink hair. Platforming. Ledge clinging. 2.5D. Side quests.  FMVs… Tomba could very well be one of the best games you never played. Known for reviving long lost cult favorite video games, MonkeyPaw has painstakingly brought back the pink hair caveman to the PSN.  This digital download is also the most […]

REVIEW – Mad Dog McCree (3DS – eShop)

Mad Dog Crap This is a really, really terrible game and you should definitely not play it.  In fact, you should stay as far away from this game as possible and the five seconds you wasted of your life reading these two sentences is already too much time talking about this game. Ok, there.  I […]

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