Shiny But More of the Same Several years ago, Nintendo revived the Mario platformer with New Super Mario Bros on the original DS. While it was exciting to explore a new 2D Mario world, the title was somewhat lacking due to the complete absence of flight, no Yoshi, and a minimal use of the new […]
REVIEW – The Next Space (PSN Mini)Scrolling Through Space SNK continues to support the PSN by releasing classic arcade games as PS Minis. The Next Space is a vertical shooter that is faster paced that other recently released classic SNK titles but won’t blow anyone away thanks to repetition and an unexplained power-up system. The outer space theme is reminiscent of […]
REVIEW – Chopper I (PSN Mini)Brutal, Ruthless, and Cruel Chopper I is for one type of gamer only – the glutton for punishment. Like the days of NES, this game is difficult, frustrating, and requires the utmost tenacity and determination to complete the first stage let alone the entire game. If anything, Chopper I is a great example of how […]
REVIEW – Kingston – DataTraveler Locker + G2, Flash Drive ReviewKeeping It Safe From SSDs to SD cards, Kingston is a proven manufacturer of data storage. The DataTraveler Locker + G2 Personal Security flash drive is one of their newest products offering easy to use password protection for your traveling files. It is reliable, easy to use, and is physically built with quality. Available in […]
REVIEW – Frogger Hyper ArcadeA Buggy Frog Frogger has hopped onto next gen systems, including PSN and WiiWare, but winds up jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire. The main Frogger gameplay elements that gamers have been playing for decades remain the same – move from one side of the screen to the other without coming […]
REVIEW – Johnny KungFu (3DS eShop)Mr. Game and Watch UFO is no stranger to the eShop having already released the repetitive but challenging Samurai Sword Destiny and their original undead rock title Zombie Slayer Diox. Johnny KungFu continues the UFO streak of a lower quality gaming experience but fans of old LCD games should at least find an appreciation for […]
REVIEW – Zuma’s RevengeBall Blasting Not too long ago, I wrote an article about the DS retail version of Zuma’s Revenge. And just as I predicted, this color-matching sequel has transition to the XBLA with online leaderboards, 400 Achievement Points, and even a few different Avatar awards. Just like the DS version, this sequel’s biggest highlights are the […]
REVIEW – Tomba! (PSOne on PSN)Love Pink Cavemen. Evil pigs. Pink hair. Platforming. Ledge clinging. 2.5D. Side quests. FMVs… Tomba could very well be one of the best games you never played. Known for reviving long lost cult favorite video games, MonkeyPaw has painstakingly brought back the pink hair caveman to the PSN. This digital download is also the most […]
REVIEW – Mad Dog McCree (3DS – eShop)Mad Dog Crap This is a really, really terrible game and you should definitely not play it. In fact, you should stay as far away from this game as possible and the five seconds you wasted of your life reading these two sentences is already too much time talking about this game. Ok, there. I […]
REVIEW – Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown (XBLA)Straight Forward Virtua Fighter 5 was originally released on 360 and PS3 way back in 2007. Proving its age, one of the highlighting features was online play. But can a re-release of a half-decade old fighter go toe-to-toe with the other fighting games of 2012? Unlike Marvel Vs Capcom, Street Fighter X Tekken, and even […]