Category: Featured

NEWS – Ouya Now At Retail
NEWS – Ouya Now At Retail

The kickerstarter console, Ouya, is now available at retail locations throughout North America and the UK. This $99 Android power home console can be purchased at Amazon, BestBuy, Gamestop and Target.  However, most locations have already sold out so it might be best to call ahead. The system is bundled with the controller, a couple […]

E3 2013 News Summary
E3 2013 News Summary

E3 week is always the craziest week for gaming each year. So much news, trailers, announcements, and demos are released that it takes teams of gaming journalists to capture all these important gaming details. But if you have not had time to keep up, here is just a brief snapshot of some of the biggest […]

REVIEW – Link’n’Launch DSiWare
REVIEW – Link’n’Launch DSiWare

It Has Nothing To Do With Zelda – Intelligent Systems, mostly known for their superb Advance Wars, Fire Emblem and Paper Mario series, released this unique puzzler on the DSiWare service back in 2010. This forgotten puzzle game is currently available as a free download from Nintendo’s Club Nintendo program here in June 2013. Link’n’Launch […]

NEWS – Class of Heroes II Available Now for PSP-Vita
NEWS – Class of Heroes II Available Now for PSP-Vita

MonkeyPaw Games, Inc. in partnership with GAIJINWORKS, LLC today announced that import sequel J-RPG Class of Heroes 2 is now available for download on the PlayStation Network store for $24.99. The newly localized digital release, playable on the PSP system and PlayStation Vita system via PlayStation Network, was originally developed by ZeroDiv of Japan, renowned […]

REVIEW – Contra Rebirth (WiiWare)
REVIEW – Contra Rebirth (WiiWare)

Contra Re-Lite – Back in 2009, Konami launched a couple of Rebirth games on Nintendo’s WiiWare service: Contra and Castlevania Adventure.  Unfortunately, WiiWare did not receive the success or recognition as compared to PSN or XBLA so there is a good chance these revival titles were overlooked.  Contra Rebirth is the same classic run-and-gun action […]

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