This week Gillman and I play through a bit of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon. It is an 80’s throwback in an FPS. Check it out: Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV
BLOG – Five E3 2013 Predictions That Will NOT Come TrueOne Can Only Hope – With E3 being about a month away, now is the time to predict what is going to be announced for 2013. Nintendo has already stated they will not be holding a major press conference like they usually do, Microsoft is set to reveal their next Xbox, and Sony will build […]
BLOG – Saying Goodbye to Everybody VotesNobody Votes – Nintendo recently announced they are going to be shutting down Wii features at the end of June so they can concentrate on the WiiU. Before they flick the off-switch, I figure I would take a moment to reflect on a unique Wii exclusive feature – the Everybody Votes Channel. Each Wii system […]
VideoCast BLOG – DucktalesThis week Gillman and I stream a few different Ducktales games in anticipation of the re-imagining of the original Ducktales set to be released this summer by Capcom and Wayforward. Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV
VideoCast BLOG – Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White WitchThis week Gillman and myself attack Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch! We talk to our fans in the chat room and discuss important things in life, like why frogs can’t open chests, why decoding things in games is hard to do, and why Gillman always really quickly goes […]
BLOG – Club Nintendo April 2013 SummaryVirtual Console Only Month – Nintendo is offering Virtual Console titles for their April 2013 Club Nintendo program; WiiWare and DSiWare titles have been omitted this month. Game #1 – Super Mario 64 (N64) Price – 200 Coins, normally 1000 Wii Points ($10) Availability – April 8, 2013 – May 5, 2013 Summary – […]
BLOG – 5 Classic Multiplayer Focused Same-Sofa Console Games That should be Retro-fitted with XBLA Online SupportMaking Old New – Multiplayer gaming is important. Pong, one of the first games to popularize video gaming was entirely focused on multiplayer. And can you image a Halo or CoD title that excluded a multiplayer component? MMO’s would never have been invented if multiplayer gaming didn’t exist either. Since the dawn of video games, […]
VideoCast Blog – Bioshock InfiniteBioshock Infinite just released yesterday. Watch Gillman and myself live stream our way through the first portion of the game. Watch live video from varms on
VideoCast Blog – Tomb RaiderThis week Gillman and myself videocast ourselves through the first half hour of Square Enix’s Tomb Raider reboot. Enjoy. And comments are encouraged. Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV
BLOG – Club Nintendo March 2013 SummaryHigher Quality Virtual Console Titles – Nintendo is relying on mostly Virtual Console titles for their March 2013 Club Nintendo rewards program, a couple of which are repeat games. However, they are of higher quality so be sure to check them out if you have not done so already. Game #1 – 3D Classics: […]