Tag: Xbox Series X

Justice Ninja Casey (XSX) Review
Justice Ninja Casey (XSX) Review

Ratalaika Games, Shinyuden, and Sunsoft teamed up once again to re-release another 16-bit SNES title. For the first time, Japan exclusive Justice Ninja Casey is available in English and has been outfitted with welcomed, built-in cheats and gameplay options. A princess has been kidnapped by ninjas but Casey, a young mulleted ninja, takes it upon […]

X-Out Resurfaced (XSX) Review
X-Out Resurfaced (XSX) Review

Released as a remake of the 1990 Amiga original, X-Out Resurfaced (pronounced “cross-out”) has been ported to modern consoles thanks to the efforts of ININ, Ziggurat, and Rainbow Arts. This horizontal shooter stands out for a few reasons. First is the setting. Instead of blasting through space or WWII themes, the deep-sea presentation is refreshing […]

Agent Fall (XSX) Review
Agent Fall (XSX) Review

Agent Fall, published by EastAsiaSoft, is a chibi run-and-gun action game that is straightforward, simple, and low-challenge but can produce a pleasant smile during its brief run time. In other words, this is another game that fits firmly within EastAsiaSoft’s library; a low-cost, short, casual digital download filled with easy Achievements. To quickly summarize, Agent […]

Mechanita (XSX) Review
Mechanita (XSX) Review

Machanita, the latest low-cost precision platformer by EastAsiaSoft, is a simple one-hour challenge with a steampunk visual style. There is no replay value but like so many EastAsiaSoft titles, it is an easy way to boost your Gamerscore while offering some casual fun along the way. This platformer isn’t anything special or anything you have […]

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