Tag: Vita

Witchcrafty (Vita) Review
Witchcrafty (Vita) Review

Tons of credit must be given to Sometimes You and Pigeon Dev Games for releasing one of the last games to be commercially available on the PlayStation Vita. Witchcrafty, a Metroidvanai-lite, feels like it is the younger brother of Sometimes You’s other favorable platformer, Sir Lovelot, while incorporating the wonderfully composed techno-y tunes of Explosive […]

Wurroom (Vita) Review
Wurroom (Vita) Review

Wurroom isn’t a game. It is a trippy ten minute claymation video in which the player has minimal control and is basically just supposed to strap-in and enjoy the ride. This feels like a final project from a couple college students, making weird stuff for the sake of being weird. At a few times, the […]

REVIEW – Fast Striker (PS4)
REVIEW – Fast Striker (PS4)

Stiff Controller Fast Striker is a 2D vertical shoot’em up (shmup) composed of six stages, boss battles, four difficulty settings for replay value, and a ton of bullets. Contrary to its name, this bullethell isn’t exactly fast paced. While the screen is often filled with projectiles, especially in the later stages, the player’s ship actually […]

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