This week, me and Gillman play a little bit of the reborn Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I really have no idea what is going on as Gillman runs the show. Check it out: Watch live video from Varms on TwitchTV

This week, me and Gillman play a little bit of the reborn Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. I really have no idea what is going on as Gillman runs the show. Check it out: Watch live video from Varms on TwitchTV
Gillman and I are back! In an attempt to return to our truest form we play a smaller indie game to try and educate people on the importance of not housing elementals and fish people together. Also, horror sex! Watch live video from Varms on TwitchTV
This week, Gillman and I play through a chunk towards the very start of the new, early access build, game FORCED. Sort of like Diablo, sort of like Geometry Wars, sort of a good time. Check it out! Watch live video from Varms on TwitchTV
Gillman and I attempt to do a review thing and play through about an hour of Total War: Rome II. Off topic, humorous, and oddly responding to a couple of people that jump into the chat, it is your Wednesday night stream! Watch live video from Varms on TwitchTV
This week, Gillman and I sit down for a good old fashioned game of Castlevania, even though the game isn’t that old and the presentation is pretty much done in a new style. Join us and let us know what you think! Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV You can check out my full written review of […]
This week, Gillman and I give our first attempt to play a pre-release game we go through the motions of streaming Take on Mars, a new game from the awesome people over at Bohemia Interactive. We learn many things about science, none of which seem to stick as we attempt to solve everything by running […]
This week me and Gillman play through the opening of Zeno Clash II. Man, this game is friggin’ weird. FatherMother punch to your phace! Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV Check out my full written review of this game HERE.
This week me and Gillman stream Dragon’s Crown, an Atlus published beat’em up brawler on PS3 a full week before its retail release. In summary, it is good. Very good. And oh so pretty. Watch as we basically fall more and more in love with the game as we play! Dragon’s Crown is set for […]
This week, me and Gillman have a couple more technical difficulties trying to record our stream. But once we get everything up and running, we have a good time playing McPixel… even though we don’t understand it. Watch live video from varms on TwitchTV
Gillman and Zack experience the newest wave of shoot ’em ups, dubbed “cute’em ups” by the developers, by playing through a chunk of Mamorukun Curse! on the PS3. The video below starts about three minutes in after Gillman is done hitting several things in his apartment to get the stream working properly, so enjoy! Watch […]