This week, me and Gillman play through the Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) DLC and talk/bitch about all things Nintendo. I want my GC Adapter, damn it! Watch live video from Varms on Twitch

This week, me and Gillman play through the Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) DLC and talk/bitch about all things Nintendo. I want my GC Adapter, damn it! Watch live video from Varms on Twitch
What do you get when you cross an RPG with pinball? If you either said Pinball Quest or Rollers of the Realm you should leave the room because you are clearly too cool for us. Zack and Gillman take an adventure into the depths that is free wheelin’ pinball action, but this time with special […]
This week me and Gillman play through some Halo The Master Chief Collection and discuss all things Halo related.
This week, I convince Gillman to stream a trial run of the new Playstation TV. We test out Vita, PSOne, and PSP games. We also try to test out some apps, but, you know, they don’t work. Check it out. Watch live video from Varms on Twitch
This week, me and Gillman stream some Bayonetta 2 while bitching about the new PS TV and trying to give away some promo codes to lucky viewers. Watch live video from Varms on Twitch
We take a long look at the pre-release game Nuclear Throne. Join us on our trials as we explore what it means to be friends and what we can really do to help each other out. Best of all we have former myGamer writer Spuds join us, won’t you?
Do you like trying to live in harsh conditions in video games while you live a wonderful life in the first world? Would you like to know what it feels like to be hunted by cannibal mutants who only desires to devour you and and your most loved ones? Don’t worry, Gillman and Zack have […]
This week, me and Gillman play a bit of the newly released Persona 4: Arena Ultimax fighting RPG on Xbox 360 (also available on PS3).
This week me and Gillman play through some of the newly released Shadow of Mordor. As always, we get kind of side tracked and wind up talking about Smash Bros. Watch live video from Varms on Twitch
This week’s videocast is Gillman playing through some of Hack’n’Slash, a new Double Fine Steam game in which everything is hackable via a USB flash drive. Watch live video from Varms on Twitch