The other week, me and Gillman played through the beginning of SpellForce 3. Enjoy the stream:

The other week, me and Gillman played through the beginning of SpellForce 3. Enjoy the stream:
This week, Squall and Gillman kicked it old school by revisiting the sequel to the fan-favorite Katamari series. Along the way they talk about backwards compatibility, the Katamari series, and indie games. Enjoy the stream: If you have a suggestion for a future stream, let us know in the comments below.
Zomborg is an overhead action game in which the player shoots zombies… in case the name Zomborg was confusing. We kept dying right at the end of a beginning level but eventually persevere and make it through. But after annoying die several times in a row, we call it quits. Enjoy the stream: Description of […]
Gillman and Squall play through the beginning a Nightingale Downs, an indie PC RPG with an 8/16-bit visual style. There are some obvious issues with balance and grinding but playing as a deer in a forest has to account for something. Also, this game is only $1.99 full price on Steam. Eventually we submit to […]
Referring to it as “lewd Splatoon,” Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is a wet and wild anime third person shooter. Gillman, being the hardcore anime babe fan, tries to educate Squall on why this is an entertaining game. Enjoy the stream:
If you like immature humor and teabagging your enemies, you might have some short-lived fun with Offensive Combat Redux. Enjoy the stream:
Sonic Mania is one of the first classic Sonic games to be released in a while. EiC SquallSnake and Managing Editor Gillman take this new classic Sega game for a spin, literally. Gillman also calls it “Sanic” because he thinks it sounds cooler. Enjoy the stream:
A couple weeks ago, Nosebleed Interactive and BadLand Games sent us a Steam code for Vostok Inc. Even though we never heard of this game before, we decided to fire it up and see what the deal is. To our surprise, the RPG twin-stick gameplay is actually not so bad. Sure, the pop-up dialog box […]
Last week, Gillman and Squall played some Puyo Puyo Tetris – the PS4 version. Along the way, they discuss the correct way to actually say “puyo,” other Puyo and Tetris titles, and puzzle games in general. Also if you missed it, check out written review of Puyo Puyo Tetris here. Enjoy the stream:
A Japanese cat-based 2D shmup shooting weird alien things and common household items with eyeballs in a single player bullethell? Why not, right? This is Neko Navy, a game by DeathMofuMofu and Fruitbat Factory. Along the way, Squall talks about his PS4 buying experience, upcoming E3, and we try and set a high score on […]