Sometimes You released Active Neurons about half a year ago and I praised this puzzle game for being simple, approachable, and providing a casual experience that offers rewarding gameplay. To my surprise, a sequel has become available so soon after the release of the original. In summary, Active Neurons 2 is the exact same game […]
Mask of Mists (Xbox One) ReviewTo quickly put Mask of Mists into perspective, it can sort of be described as a Skyrim-lite only with a stronger emphasis on collecting items to solve environmental puzzles. Taking the role of a mercenary, the player needs to play detective to find a missing mage, exploring an enclosed but vast world along the way. […]
Norman’s Great Illusion (Xbox One) ReviewLike other Sometimes You titles such as Need A Packet and Breeder’s Homegrown, Norman’s Great Illusion is an unconventional, experimental low-cost digital download that provides a message bigger than the sum of its parts. The approach is unique even though there isn’t much gameplay to speak of. With no tutorial or instruction of any kind, […]
Escape from Tethys (Xbox One) ReviewTrapped and alone on a foreign planet, Escape from Tethys carries heavy Metroid vibes and inspirations, specifically from Metroid Fusion. Playing as some dude in a Samus-like space suit, the player will traverse both outdoor environments, indoor corridors, and be hunted by an Android that is reminiscent of Samus’ SA-X doppelganger only not as terrifying. […]
Steam Tactics (Xbox One) ReviewA tactical RPG for any skill level, Steam Tactics simplifies gameplay with speedy battles and an ever increasing leveling system. As a $10 digital download, there is enough here to please longtime fans of the genre but welcome tactical newcomers. There are some obvious callbacks to the Star Fox series as the main anthropomorphic dog […]
Difficult decision maker Norman’s Great Illusion coming to consoles August 2020Norman’s Great Illusion will be released on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on August 19 for $4.99 by Sometimes You. In Norman’s Great Illusion you have to live a year as an engineer at the plant in the face of rising social tensions. Make difficult decisions, but keep in mind: you […]
Escape From Tethys is a new Metroidvania that will release in August by Sometimes YouEscape From Tethys will be released on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on August 12the for $9.99 by Sometimes You. You’re trapped, alone and cold on a distant planet. Pursued by a droid with only one purpose: killing everything. You must find an escape. Explore the hostile environment, find secret upgrades and new […]
Need A Packet (PS4) ReviewNeed A Packet is an experimental game built on repetition but carries a strong message. This unconventional gameplay is difficult to wrap your head around because it is so bizarre so if you are looking for something super weird, here you go. At its core, Need A Packet is a supermarket cashier simulator. Anyone who […]
Aircraft Evolution (Xbox One) ReviewSometimes You is continuing their trend of releasing bite sized arcade-style action games that can be finished in one longer gaming session but best played in short bursts. Instead of being a Bomberman clone like Explosive Jake, or a dastardly action platformer like Awesome Pea, Aircraft Evolution separates itself from the other titles in the […]
Awesome Pea 2 (Xbox One) Review with streamStanding out thanks to its original Gameboy visual charm, Awesome Pea 2 is a simple platformer that offers moments of challenge, only costs a few bucks, and is perfect for Achievement hunters. It isn’t as difficult as something like Super Meatboy or those brutal levels in Super Mario Maker, but this reach-the-exit platformer is playable […]