Tag: RPG

NEWS – Take Control of the Battlefield in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology By Watching This New Trailer
NEWS – Take Control of the Battlefield in Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology By Watching This New Trailer

In Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology, it takes a well thought out strategy to maximize your attacks because the battle system is more than a simple turn-based mechanic. Here is what you can do to turn the system to your advantage: Maneuver adversaries around the battle grid Strike multiple foes in one attack Shift your enemy […]

REVIEW – Ittle Dew 2+ Switch
REVIEW – Ittle Dew 2+ Switch

A Secret To Everyone Ittle Dew 2+ on Switch is the Zelda experience to play after you completed Breath of the Wild. Like A Link Between Worlds, this top-down exploratory RPG is designed around an open world in which the player can explore wherever desired. Ittle Dew 2 is basically a new, classic Zelda title […]

REVIEW – Neurovoider Xbox One
REVIEW – Neurovoider Xbox One

Mixing Some of This With Some of That It is not often to use the phrase ā€œ4-player twin-sticker shooter RPG Roguelikeā€ to describe a game but Flying Oak Gamesā€™ Neurovoider fits this bill. It is also a wonder as to why a game like this isnā€™t copied over and over since it is a such […]

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