Tag: review

REVIEW – Robot Rescue 3D 3DS eShop
REVIEW – Robot Rescue 3D 3DS eShop

They Are Not Robots And You Don’t Rescue Them – With two games already published on DSiWare, Robot Rescue 3D is a compilation title that combines all the content from the original games with some new stages under a “3D” title. Unfortunately, the tedious nature of this puzzle game often frustrates through trial and error […]

REVIEW – Flashback XBLA
REVIEW – Flashback XBLA

Finding Lost Memories – Set as a reimagining of the 16-bit original cult classic, Flashback stays true to the Prince of Persia action-platforming style of gameplay but comes up a little short on the awesome-sauce. Via the Unreal Engine, Flashback is a good looking 2.5D experience that blends the HD environments of Shadow Complex mixed […]

REVIEW – Rayman Legends Xbox 360
REVIEW – Rayman Legends Xbox 360

This is What Makes Games Fun – Rayman Legends is a pick-up-and-play accessible platformer that has such a high entertainment value it will make you smile from ear-to-ear from beginning to end. I have not had this much pure fun from a videogame in a long time. After being bitch-slapped awake from the snooze of […]

REVIEW – Angry Birds Trilogy Wii U
REVIEW – Angry Birds Trilogy Wii U

It’s for Birds – Starting off on the mobile environment then evolving to anything with a screen, the Angry Birds phenomenon will continue to grow as long as there is a reason for these feathered fowl to keep suicide bombing defenseless farm animals. It really is only a matter of time before the garage door […]

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