Previously released on every platform except for Xbox, The Exit 8 is a weird, slightly unsettling looping walking simulator published by Playism. This experimental game is essentially a “spot the difference” simulator set within a small, never-ending hallway. The Exit 8 sounds like a weird game because it is. Without a title screen, tutorial, or […]
Videocast – Rusted Moss (PC)Rusted Moss is a quality Metroidvania by Playism. The pixel art is gorgeous and the twin-stick control grapple gun is super cool. I was very excited to have the opportunity to check out this game and it didn’t disappoint.
Marfusha (XSX) Review with streamA twin-stick tower defense title with roguelite elements, Marfusha is a highly entertaining, addicting action game with an interesting backdrop. To be more accurate, Marfusha is a high-tempo tax-paying gate defense shooter that stars a young anime girl taxed with unrelentless guard duty. For whatever reason, machines have started to invade and the local government […]
Break Arts II (PS4) ReviewAlthough it might seem like some sort of Gundam imitator, Break Arts II is actually a racing game. Uniquely, the auto-accelerating feature and deep customization sets this gotta-go-fast racer apart but ultimately loses its boost power by the second lap. Instead of a giant mech shooter, this sequel has more in common with high speeder […]
Mighty Goose (Xbox One) Review with StreamA run-and-gun action title similar to SNK’s popular Metal Slug series, Mighty Goose is an approachable digital download that favors player progression over ridiculous “memorize everything and have perfect twitch reflexes” gameplay. Playing as a Rambo-like Goose, it is your job to shoot anything that moves while reaching the end of the stage. Gameplay is […]
Touhou Luna Nights (Xbox One) ReviewTouhou Luna Nights is a creative and thoughtful Metroidvania as it gives the player a wondrously overpowered ability, stopping time, but balances it with the high risk/reward Graze system. The ranged attacks of the main character are also badass and the pixel art is so well done screenshots of the game should be hanging in […]
One Way Heroics Plus (Switch) ReviewOriginally released a handful of years ago on PC, One Way Heroics Plus has a unique gimmick with Rogue-style gameplay. From an overworld map that looks like it was taken directly from an early Dragon Quest title, the screen moves to the right with every action the player takes. Touch this incoming darkness coming from […]
Hakoniwa Explorer Plus (Switch) ReviewTwo years ago, we had the pleasure of checking out Hakoniwa Explorer Plus on PC. Happily, this isometric action RPG has been ported to Switch and is a shiny gem on the eShop. Hakoniwa is an unexpectedly humorous action title that destroys any expectations you gain by looking at any screenshot or trailer. Due to […]
One Way Heroics Plus and Hakoniwa Plus both coming to Switch soonAbout One Way Heroics: A world controlled by darkness. In game, the darkness constantly advances from the left side of the screen, swallowing up the map. If you are swallowed by the darkness, it’s game over. You cannot turn back. The screen will continue to scroll right even while shopping or fighting enemies. You must […]
VIDEOCAST – Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- (PC)An obvious clone of Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth- could easily be mistaken as a sequel to Konami’s fan favorite title. Like the Touhou titles, Team Ladybug/Playism/WhySoSerious? have plans to release this title episodically. Just starting Steam Early Access for stage 1, we play through this ‘Vania clone […]