Starting August 1st, Crackdown will be free for XBL Gold members until August 15th. This game is normally sold for 800 MS Points ($10). And no, the Halo 3 beta is not included. On August 16th both Dead Rising 2, normally $15, and Dead Rising 2: Case Zero, normally 400 MS Pts ($5), will be […]
BLOG – Five E3 2013 Predictions That Will NOT Come TrueOne Can Only Hope – With E3 being about a month away, now is the time to predict what is going to be announced for 2013. Nintendo has already stated they will not be holding a major press conference like they usually do, Microsoft is set to reveal their next Xbox, and Sony will build […]
REVIEW – Kinect Party (XBLA/Kinect)Let’s Get The Party Started – Last year Double Fine released Happy Action Theater to the XBLA, a “mini-game” compilation that had players using the Kinect in fun and creative ways. I put quotes around “mini-game” because they are not really games as opposed to activities since there really is no way to win or […]