Tag: Kingston

NEWS – Kingston Launches New Hardware Encrypted USB Flash Drives
NEWS – Kingston Launches New Hardware Encrypted USB Flash Drives

Kingston announced two new hardware encrypted USB Flash drives that can be managed with SafeConsole by DataLocker. DataTraveler 4000G2 with Management (DT4000G2DM) and DataTraveler Vault Privacy 3.0 with Management (DTVP30DM) solve the needs of organizations required to meet Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) and protect data at the highest level across their mobile workforce. Both […]

NEWS – New Kingston DataTraveler 2000 Uses Onboard Alphanumeric Keypad
NEWS – New Kingston DataTraveler 2000 Uses Onboard Alphanumeric Keypad

Kingston announced the release of DataTraveler 2000 encrypted USB Flash drive. DataTraveler 2000 offers hardware encryption and PIN protection with access through an onboard alphanumeric keypad. It will ship later in Q1. It is designed for global security IT professionals, small-to-medium businesses and corporate end users who require electronic data protection. DataTraveler 2000 is easily […]

REVIEW – HyperX Cloud II Headset
REVIEW – HyperX Cloud II Headset

Quality Sound. Quality Comfort. – Expanding from the original Cloud model, HyperX has taken their headset catalog to a new height with the Cloud II design. Although the overall cosmetic design hasnā€™t changed much, the newly included bells and whistles put this 2.0 model head-and-shoulders above the original. The biggest and most welcome updates with […]

REVIEW – HyperX Fury USB Flash Drive
REVIEW – HyperX Fury USB Flash Drive

Bold Design with Lower Price – Unlike other Kingston products that we have previously covered, this new HyperX Fury USB Flash Drive doesnā€™t come with fancy bells and whistles but results in a more affordable product. This rugged USB storage unit showcases a bold design, USB 3.0, and a lower price point. As far as […]

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