When the Gameboy Color version of Perfect Dark is connected to the N64 game via the Transfer Pak, four cheats become unlocked. The coolest part is this Transfer Pak functionality was adopted into the Xbox and Switch Online ports too. See it here.

When the Gameboy Color version of Perfect Dark is connected to the N64 game via the Transfer Pak, four cheats become unlocked. The coolest part is this Transfer Pak functionality was adopted into the Xbox and Switch Online ports too. See it here.
WWF Betrayal on Gameboy Color isn’t actually a wresting game; it is a side scrolling brawler!There are four wrestlers but they all have the same moves and awesome manly strutting walk. The animation is fluid, as is expected for a Wayforward game, but there is only a punch and kick. No super moves or anything. […]
Only two games supported the Gameboy Color Tilt Sensor: Kirby Tilt ‘n’ Tumble and the Japan exclusive Command Master, both of which were released in 2000 only months apart. Command Master is an Enix RPG that uses motion control in combat. Out of all the genres to use tilt control, an RPG would probably be […]
Road Rash on Gameboy Color boldly highlights the 2-player link cable mode on the front of the box art but it is actually pretty boring. #RoadRash #GBC #EnableTheLinkCable #Gameboy #GameboyColor
The Adventures of Elmo In Grouchland on Gameboy Color is a crazy, amazing game! If you ever wondered what would happen if Elmo took drugs, this is probably it. All because he apparently lost his blanket (even though he is holding it in his hands). How is this a game for kids? What is happening? […]
Tetris DX shipped on a black Gameboy cartridge. Black cartridge games are compatible with original DMG Gameboy consoles (Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket), the Super Gameboy, and the Gameboy Color (as well as Gameboy Advance and GBA SP). Uniquely, when Tetris DX is played specifically on a Gameboy Color, there are 3 tech demo-like animations that will […]
Over 20 Gameboy games have special Super Gameboy functionality that allowed for multiplayer gaming by only needing one cartridge. Many were exclusive to Japan. Normally, 2 Gameboys, 2 copies of a compatible game, and 1 link cable are needed for two-player multiplayer. However, all the games featured in this video support 2-4 players by only […]
In the year of our Lord, 2023, McDonald’s commissioned a group of developers to use GB Studio to create a new Gameboy Color game to promote the new purple shake at McDonald’s. WHAT IS HAPPENING!?! In this quick play through, I made it through all 4 levels. The first 2 are skateboarding stages, the 3rd […]
If you don’t want to shell out $30 for a case you’ll receive in 1 year, there could be cheaper and more creative storing solutions for your Analogue Pocket. Check out my Analogue Pocket Unboxing video here. In this video, I took every Nintendo DS/DSi/3DS case I could find to see if the Analogue Pocket […]
I ordered my AP almost 2 years ago and it finally arrived on Christmas Even morning! Is this the best Xmas present ever?!? In my excitement, I open the box, see what’s inside, and turn it on for the first time. OMG! Look at that screen! Amazing! Since this video, I updated the firmware, installed […]