The Gameboy version of Centipede, a port of the arcade original, puts a strong emphasis on linked multiplayer. Outfitted with both linked co-op and competitive modes, plus alternating, this Gameboy game has a robust multiplayer offering.

The Gameboy version of Centipede, a port of the arcade original, puts a strong emphasis on linked multiplayer. Outfitted with both linked co-op and competitive modes, plus alternating, this Gameboy game has a robust multiplayer offering.
Kirby Star Stacker is a late, forgotten Gameboy puzzler that features head-to-head multiplayer over a link cable. The only way to play competitive Star Stacker is by using a link cable; there is no option to compete against AIā¦ unless you play the Japan exclusive Super Famicom enhanced port (which is currently available on the […]
Titus the Fox: To Marrakech and Back is a forgotten mascot platform on the original Gameboy. It features a 2-player link cable co-op mode but it actually makes the gameplay worse because the connection is so unstable. The flicker is also out of control. Oh yeah, and the music will make you wish you were […]
Pop’n Twinbee on Gameboy was first released in Japan in 1990 then a few years later in Europe. America, sadly, did not see this vertical shooter. The linked co-op gameplay in this Gameboy version of Pop’n Twinbee is entertaining thanks to the stable connection, quality pacing, and bell power-ups. Years later, Konami re-released several of […]
Radar Mission is Nintendo’s take on classic Battleship. In addition to a typical turn-by-turn game of classic Battleship, Nintendo also developed a real time shooter within the Game B mode. It is actually impressive for a 1990 Gameboy game and still holds up today. See it here:
Battleship on the original Gameboy features a 2-player link cable versus mode. This is one of those games that is ideal for linked play because each player needs their own screen. Thankfully, this handheld version features limited use special weapons to make gameplay a little more fun and faster paced. See it here:
The US saw the release of 16 official Gameboy cartridges to feature the built-in Rumble Pak. Japan featured 7 exclusive Gameboy Rumble Pak games. The majority of them being pinball and fishing games. Powered by a single AAA battery and sporting a removable battery cover (which always seemed to get lost), these unique games are […]
Space Invaders on Gameboy not only has a very impressive hidden Super Nintendo game accessible within it, it also features a unique 2-player link cable vs mode.
Dexterity is a forgotten SNK original that is basically real-time Othello. The 2 player link cable multiplayer mode is pretty fun once you understand how to defeat enemies by flipping tiles.
The original version of Asteroids on Gameboy has two multiplayer link cable game modes that you never played – both co-op and competitive!