Tag: FPS

Videocast: Chex Quest HD (PC)
Videocast: Chex Quest HD (PC)

Originally released a free pack-in disc in marked boxed of Chex cereal in the 90s, Chex Quest was a Doom mod that has earned a cult following especially with speed runners. Chex Quest HD has been released for free on Steam and we played through the first couple stages. Enjoy the stream embedded below:

REVIEW – Polygod (Xbox One)
REVIEW – Polygod (Xbox One)

Low Poly Count Polygod is a randomly generated first-person shooter with simplified controls and even simpler gameplay mechanics. Built around extreme difficulty, some players might appreciate the brutal and unfair challenge. Unfortunately, I am not one of them. Like the original Quake and Wolfenstein, the gun is in the center of the screen and there […]

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