Tag: Featured

REVIEW – Clash of Elementalists (DSiWare)
REVIEW – Clash of Elementalists (DSiWare)

Clash of Camera Control – A five-dollar downloadable third person anime 3D fighter on DSiWare is rather attention grabbing and unexpected for Nintendo’s online service and screenshots might make it look like Sega’s Virtual-On series but the gameplay is nothing short of disappointing and borderline unplayable. There are only four fighters to choose from which […]

REVIEW – 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (3DS eShop)
REVIEW – 2 Fast 4 Gnomz (3DS eShop)

Phase 1: Collect Underpants – Ported from WiiWare, 2 Fast 4 Gnomz is a twitch reaction runner, somewhat similar to the Bit.Trip series by comparison, which offers challenging gameplay in manageable bite sized chunks. The goal is to guide an endlessly left-to-right running lawn gnome while avoid all sorts of one-hit kill death traps while […]

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