Tag: Blog

things that are happening

VIDEOCAST – Just Cause 3
VIDEOCAST – Just Cause 3

This week, Gillman and I play through the pure chaos that is Just Cause 3. Watch as we tether and topple towers, gun down countless bad guys, and wingsuit our way across the island. We also talk about current events, aka, other games we are currently playing. Enjoy.

VIDEOCAST – Forestry 2017: The Simulation
VIDEOCAST – Forestry 2017: The Simulation

This week, Gillman and I try to the forest the hell out of Forestry 2017: The Simulation. Playing through this logging simulator is a solid reminder why we have no business performing physical labor outside, let alone having access to a chainsaw and horse. Unfortunately, sometimes there is too much simulation in these simulations.


This week, me and Gillman give Jalopy, a Stream greenlit title that will officially launch in mid-April, for a spin. We thought we were just going to be driving around Cruisin’ USA-style. Instead, we were rummaging for spare parts Fallout 4-style. Oh yeah, and we also ran into a few bugs along the way… it […]

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