This week, Zack and Gillman play through the free Dragon Quest Builders demo on PS4. Along the way, Gillman complains some more about the localization of DQ7, Zack confesses his love for River City: Tokyo Rumble, and we interact with our viewers. Enjoy the stream:
VIDEOCAST – Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair PS4Zack and Gillman play through a bit of Earth Defense Force 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair for this week’s stream. Besides talking about how long the full name of this game is, we also talk about the newly released Dragon Quest VII. And it wouldn’t really be a myGamer stream without Gillman complaining about […]
BLOG – You Know What Sucks… Day One PatchesSelling You An Incomplete Product You know what sucks? Having to install a patch upon a game’s release! This issue can also be tied into my previous new gen load time article and lacking hard drive space article, but being forced to install a patch on day one is a swift kick to the junk […]
VIDEOCAST – The King of Fighters XIVWatch Gillman power through the main story mode of The King of Fighters XIV. As he finally topples the out-of-nowhere final boss, we discuss fighting games, the KoF games and even some other spin-off titles. Enjoy the stream:
VIDEOCAST – No Man’s SkyGillman bought No Man’s Sky upon launch as the hype for this game was sky high (sorry, bad pun). But during our stream, we slowly realize the pain of disappointment as we traveled to a couple different planets. Enjoy the stream:
VIDEOCAST – Gal*Gun: Double PeaceWhat if you took Time Crisis light-gun style gameplay but shot cute anime school girls instead? This is basically the idea behind Gal*Gun Double Peace. Nothing about this game makes any sense and the only way to buy it is through online retailers like Amazon; Gamestops and Best Buys won’t even dare touch a game […]
VIDEOCAST – Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of FateA couple weeks ago, Gillman and Zack sat down to play some of the new Shrien game. Besides having one of the longest titles in recent history, this Shiren ain’t so bad. During the stream we talk about the other Shiren games, other rougelikes, and veer off topic a bit. Enjoy the stream:
BLOG – Gamer’s Gullet: Crystal Pepsi 2016 ReviewChemicals And Sugar Back in the early 90’s, Pepsi released Crystal Pepsi, a clear alternative to their popular caramel colored soft drink. While initial sales were solid, the fad quickly died and only remained in circulation for about a year. Fast forward to 2016 and Pepsi has brought back their secret recipe more or less […]
VIDEOCAST – Ben-Hur Xbox OneBen-Hur is a free to play digital download available on Xbox One. An obvious tie-in to the upcoming movie (in theaters 8-19-16), Ben-Hur isn’t a great game by any means but is actually an interesting take on a licensed IP. Instead of making a low-quality game tie-in, like Ghostbusters, Ben-Hur is completely void of any […]
VIDEOCAST – LivelockAh yes, the twin stick shooter. A genre that we really do not get enough of. Zack talks about this underutilized gameplay mechanic and some of the other popular/quality twin stickers out there as well as some other non-quality twin stick shooters out there *cough* Ghostbusters *cough*. Enjoy.