Super Onion Boy+

Super Onion Boy+ (XSX) Review

Published by Ratalaika Games, Super Onion Boy+ is an indie love letter to classic Super Mario Bros. It only costs a few bucks and contains simple yet charming retro-style platforming.

As an enhanced port of its mobile origins, this side scrolling platformer wears its inspiration on its sleeve. From jumping on enemies to collecting a bunch of coins to throwing fireballs, it is easy to see the early Nintendo callbacks. Almost everything is here except for swimming stages and sliding down a flagpole.

Even though they serve little to no purpose, there are a lot of things to collect in each stage. Collecting coins will earn an extra life but lives are not exactly necessary since you can restart at any level right from the main menu. Also, there are five stars to collect in each stage but they do not reward the player with anything unless you wanted to go for 100% completion just because. There are also a couple of power-ups but only one can be carried at a time, again, just like Mario.

Stage design is typical for a simple retro platformer, outfitted with a casual difficulty setting. However, this isn’t to say the game is without challenge. Some sections are longer than others with checkpoints spread further apart with a gauntlet of enemies in between. For example, you might need to complete the back half of a stage each time you die at the boss that takes too many hits instead of starting at the boss door. Oh, and not that it means anything, but the first boss is Patrick from Spongebob.

On occasion, collecting the mandatory speed potion turns the basic platforming into something much more reaction based, which is a nice temporary change of pace. In total, it will take 1-2 hours to clear the dozen+ stages which actually hits the sweet spot by not overstaying its welcome. The charming 8-bit style visuals are also accompanied by a pleasant chiptune soundtrack; a fitting presentation for a small indie game with a low price point.

Achievement hunters will also want to take note as all 1,000 gamerscore can be earned quickly and with little effort; you don’t need to finish the game to unlock them all.

Super Onion Boy+ isn’t anything you have not played a million times before. However, it is one of those wholesome, approachable games which can bring a soft smile to your face. It is a basic retro platformer without fluff, frustrating challenge, and complex gameplay. Sure, this is a good game for youngsters but its casual approach creates a relaxing way to spend an hour after working hard all day.

SCORE: 7/10

Not As Action Packed As: Ninja 1987

Don’t Forget About: the Flynn’s Arcade retro arcade Switch titles

Better Than: another Sokoban game

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

X/Twitter: @ZackGaz

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