Like all other Pop-Tarts, including the special 50th Anniversary version, this new Blue Raspberry “breakfast” item is shockingly sweet and features some poor packaging decisions.

Smothered in a white frosting with blue glaze, these tarts are on par with pretty much every other Pop-Tart out there only the inside goo is now a light blue color. Unlike, say, the chocolate or s’mores version, this new blue Kellogg’s treat sports a fruitier, almost candy-like, flavor. It reminded me of eating blue liquorice and who doesn’t like eating candy for breakfast?

Unfortunately, the same Pop-Tart problems exist with this new Blue Raspberry model – the packaging. Sure, the box that houses the four packages of two (or eight total) Pop-Tarts indicates a new flavor but the inside is where the problem lurks. These sickening sweet dessert items still come bundled in twos, are shipped in flimsy aluminum foil that cannot be microwaved or toasted even though Kelloggs suggests you do so, and the foil wrapper has the same design as all other Pop-Tarts.

Kellogg’s, please, for the love of balls, please individually wrap the Pop-Tarts! Or bundle them in a sealable packaging if you want to continue to be dicks by putting two together. Eating two Pop-Tarts is the equivalent of drinking a can of Mountain Dew for breakfast: 16 grams of sugar multiplied by two is 32 grams of sugar and at 200 calories a pop is 400 total for two. You list one Pop-Tart as a serving size on the side of the box but continue to package two together. After eating two of these Blue Raspberry Pop-Tarts, both my stomach and teeth hurt from the significant amount of sugar. At least if they were wrapped individually, with a unique identifying label, perhaps my stomach, and pride, wouldn’t take as much damage. If I want to eat two, I will take two pouches. Simple. What is the big frickin’ deal?! This is 2015. There has to be a better way.

If you hate yourself enough, then go ahead and continue to eat Pop-Tarts. This new Blue Raspberry flavor is definitely not bad but not really better than any other of the million flavors on the store shelf. No matter which Tart you choose, however, be sure to enjoy the diabetes that come with it.
Not As Good As: having lean protein for breakfast
Better Than: umm, not eating breakfast..?
Also Try: eating a packet of sugar for breakfast
By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief
Twitter: @ZackGaz