Panorama Cotton (XSX) Review

First released on the Mega Drive in 1994, Panorama Cotton was ported to PS4 and Switch in late 2021 and is now available on Xbox.

For more detail, check out my article on the PS4 version as everything basically applies here in this Xbox version.

Making a change from the typical side-scrolling gameplay of many other Cotton titles, Panorama Cotton changes perspective by offering Space Harrier-like shooting mechanics. In summary, it probably looked really cool in 1994 when it was originally release but remains a product of its time. The pop-in isn’t great so enemies basically appear without giving the player time to react. The playable witch fills a good portion of the screen so you cannot see what you are shooting. Even taking damage is troubling because it is difficult to understand when damage is taken and can easily transition from one hit to the next without warning.

Even the most curious Cotton fans will want to prioritize other games in the long running series over this one. At the same time, it is respectable that the original devs went for this more 3D route instead of side scrolling. After you make a couple of sequels that follow the same formula, sometimes you need to make an experimental change.

The lack of extras, like including documentation of the original to provide background context, also doesn’t invite the player to keep playing for long and remains the most disappointing aspect of this re-release. However, perhaps I am just spoiled because I played many M2 and Digital Eclipse compilations over the years.

SCORE: 4.5/10

Not As Good As: new shmups made in a retro style

Don’t Forget About: the Arcade Archive series

Wait For It: more old games to receive new life on Xbox

By: Zachary Gasiorowski, Editor in Chief

Twitter: @ZackGaz

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