Old Old School Before Nintendo’s original Gameboy became popular, Tiger released a number of portable LCD handheld games which were an evolution of Nintendo’s original Game And Watch series. With graphics mimicking a digital wristwatch, these games were very simple and based around getting a high score as opposed to being narrative focused like most […]
NEWS – Z.O.E. HD Limited Edition AnnouncedKonami announced that it will release a Limited Edition of Zone of the Enders HD Collection in North America on October 30th. The gold, metallic packaged bundle will include a full copy of the game with the METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE demo, an import soundtrack featuring remixes of the music from the series, and a […]
NEWS – Revengeance Limited Edition LampIf you manage to get yourself a Limited Edition version of Revengeance, it is going to be bundled with a replica of Raiden’s sword built as a lamp. Coolest limited edition perk ever? Maybe. Either way, that is pretty freakin’ sweet and quiet different. Official press release below: Konami announced that it will release a […]
BLOG – Club Nintendo Oct. 2012Nintendo has been offering up a few unknown WiiWare and DSi games as Club Nintendo rewards over the last few weeks. Art Academy: First Semester was available from Sept 10 – Sept 23 for 150 coins. This DSi download promises to teach basic art lessons using the stylus on the touch screen to perform basic […]
NEWS – Z.O.E. HD Releases Oct. 30th 2012Konami has just announced a release date for Z.O.E. HD Collection – Oct 30th (also known as Assassin’s Creed III day). And keeping up the traditional, a fully playable demo of Revengeance will be included on the disc. Fans will remember that the original Zone of the Enders can bundled with a highly sought after […]
NEWS – Midway Games Compilation Disc AnnouncedWarner Bros has just announced a massive Midway Games compilation disc for 360 and PS3. While the full line up has not yet been announced, gamers could probably assume that most fan favorites will be included given that the developers are including 30 titles. An exact release date has not been determined nor has online […]
PORTFOLIO – Jeopardy Training GameSo as a quick background on me, I have been working high-end kitchen appliance brands Sub-Zero and Wolf for well over 5 years now. Besides creating all of our marketing material, I also like to think outside the box by trying new things. In an attempt to make our sales reps’ jobs easier and more […]
REVIEW – Jet Set Radio (PSN)Wear Your Helmet Originally released on the Dreamcast in 2000, Jet Set Radio joins the ranks of Sonic Adventure and Sega Bass Fishing as a digital download on both PSN and XBLA. Unfortunately, like many early 3D games, this graffiti rollerblading sim is better kept in your memory banks as opposed to reliving the past. […]
BLOG – Club Nintendo Sept 2012Instead of offering WiiWare originals, Nintendo has been offering Virtual Console downloads these last few weeks as Club Nintendo rewards. 10 Yard Fight was available as a Wii Virtual Console download for a couple weeks in preparation of the upcoming football season. Unfortunately, this football title is no TecmoBowl and pretty primitive and slow in […]
REVIEW – Spelunker HD w/DLC (PS3/PSN)This Game Hates You, Your Family, and Even Your Dog Spelunker HD is essentially a really enhanced port of the cult classic Spelunker. The game is loaded with a ton of content and offers the option to play with modern graphics or an 8-bit pixel style, but Spelunker’s deliberate insanely difficult gameplay will undoubtedly scare […]